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About France

We are currently serving in Rennes, France to do our part in fulfilling the Great Commission. Most missions organizations consider the French to be an "unreached people-group." It is one of the most spiritually-dead places on earth, and they certainly don't know it.

  • In 1950, 80% of French people regularly attended church. Today it is 5%.
  • Less than 1% are evangelical believers in France.
  • By contrast, 41% of Americans regularly attend church and 23% are evangelical believers.
  • Most French have never met a practicing Christian.
  • France consumes more antidepressants than any other country in the world.
  • There are more full-time practitioners of the occult in France than there are Christian workers.
  • 60% of French people would be willing to have a spiritual conversation with someone they trust.

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