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About Trent

As a kid, my attitude toward God could have been expressed like this: "I believe in Jesus, now let me live my life and slide into Heaven." I wanted to live for me. In high school, however, I became more involved with my youth group at church in La Crosse, WI. Through missions trips and working at Arrowhead Bible Camp, I found that I really enjoyed being used for God's eternal purpose. But I still wanted to do things my way. In college, I found tremendous opportunities to serve God with my technical skills (or dumb luck when skill failed). But I really questioned the idea that God would want to use something I truly enjoyed for His purposes. That all changed when I talked to Steve, a director in Cru. He told me that IT (Information Technology) was one of the greatest ministry needs- both in our region and worldwide. I was sold. I jumped tracks and studied Computer Networking and Security Technology, with full intent to let God use me the way He made me.

So my story really comes down to this: I wanted to live for me, my way. Then I wanted to live for God, but still my way. Now all I want is to live for God, and do it His way. I find more fulfillment in His plans than I ever did in any of mine.

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